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The purpose of the association is the development of model aircraft.
We also want to make it accessible to the largest number of person, young or old, through training, advice and assistance to the practice.

Why the name of the association: "2 Caps Aero?
Aero, we know why, but two Caps? Cape North, West, East or South?
It could have. The caps are widely used in aviation.
In fact, it is a nod to our prestigious two caps. Cape white nose and Cape Griz nose.

The great site of the two-Caps

The great Site of the two - Caps is a symbolic site of the Department of the Pas-de-Calais. He was the first in France to be classified Grand National Site. It is national recognition of the value of this landscape set hundreds of thousands of visitors to enjoy each year.
March 29, 2011, the Grand Site of two-Caps was labeled Grand Site de France. National recognition that embodies a history of more than 40 years and the strong will to testify and act on a daily basis to apply the values of the Grand Site de France label.
In figures, the Grand Site of two-Caps, it is today:
• a linear 23 km coastal
• 8 Commons
• 4 intercommunalités
• 16 533 inhabitants
• nearly 7000 ha in classified and registered site
• 5 Natura 2000 sites

You can help us

You can also help us make live site 2 Caps Aero, send your photos, your comments, your ideas and participate in the development of your site entirely devoted to aeromodelism. Please use the contact page to reach us or send an email to:
2.caps.aero at free.fr sign
We will get back to you quickly.

Thanks to those who support us and who have the passion of aeromodelism and long life to 2 Caps Aero.

Jean-Marc Capiaux

Mentions légales


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